Statement of Mission
The primary Mission of the Cariboo Presbyterian Church (CPC) continues to be to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to people who live beyond the traditional church in the rural and remote areas of the Cariboo-Chilcotin region. This will be done by building up communities of Christian faith principally in areas where there is little or no other Christian witness. These communities of faith will be fully inclusive of children and will honor all Christian denominations. God willing, by 2015 the CPC will consist of 20 house churches, and a vibrant community ministry at Nazko.
Mission and Ministry Objectives
1. General House Church Objectives.
The primary work of the CPC house church ministry is evangelization for Christ and the development of caring Christian communities for worship and spiritual formation in rural areas. To this end we have the following growth and development objectives for the house church ministry over the next 5 years.
- Each existing house church will be encouraged to grow through evangelization to an optimum size (according to context).
- When a house church grown beyond optimum size it will be encouraged to choose from among its members a team to begin a second house church in an adjacent area. The exact method of doing this will be developed contextually and prayerfully.
- Each house church will be encouraged to choose from among its members a spiritually gifted person to act as a house church leader who will work with the overseeing pastor/missionary to provide leadership.
- A pastor/missionary will oversee the work to disciple people in the areas of worship, biblical knowledge, pastoral care and spiritual formation in up to 12 house churches, visiting up to 6 per week.
2. Nazko and Area Dakelh Outreach Objectives.
Our Ministry in Nazko will reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Nazko and related communities, inviting them to follow and share fellowship in Him. The primary focus will be on reaching out to the Southern Carrier and other First Nations people, while still welcoming our non-Native neighbours. It will be Christ-centered, Biblically based, rooted in prayer, culturally honoring and socially transforming. We will seek to accomplish this purpose through the following objectives:
- Holding regular strategic prayer initiatives for and with the Nazko community.
- Researching the aboriginal heritage of the Southern Carrier people with a view to presenting the message of Christ in culturally meaningful ways.
- Gathering and discipling a weekly worshipping fellowship in the Nazko and Quesnel communities.
- Pursuing and maintaining a strong pastoral presence in the community.
- Raising up effective Christian leadership in the community including one aboriginal elder to join the Session of the Cariboo Presbyterian Church.
- Maintaining a regular cycle of outreach activities including: i) Ministry with children and youth. ii) Initiatives focused on evangelism, outreach and social transformation.
- Establishing other fellowship groups in related aboriginal communities (i.e. Trout Lake, Kluskus, Red Bluff, Alexandria).
- Networking with others in Aboriginal ministry to share ideas, support each other, and develop a strong understanding of an Aboriginal theological perspective.
- Developing and expanding a ministry of renewal which will include the building of a ministry team, an advisory council, facility, and programmes which will address the needs for spiritual and emotional new life as well as discipleship and education.
- Calling a new team member or family of First Nations ancestry, first for one year through a Healing and Reconciliation grant, and then on a permanent basis as funds become available to model reconciliation and First Nations leadership and to run renewal programmes and facilities.
- Offering programmes and workshops to the community on a variety of issues with leadership from First Nations Christians with grants from Healing and Reconciliation.
3. Financial Objectives (Budget)
- The operating budget expenditures of the CPC can be expected to grow over the 2010 level, in addition to inflation, by 1missionary’s stipend over the next 5 years ($56,000). These funds will be raised separately from the present congregational sources and will be directly applied to the new missionary in Nazko.
- Funds will be sought through special gifts for the replacement of one of the vehicles.
- The annual revenue from the Presbyterian Church’s Canada Ministries mission grants for stipend will be maintained for the Webbers’ grant at 2010 levels (25,000) and the Bell-Wyminga’s grant will stay at full stipend from a Native Ministries grant (total $60,003).
- Land may be purchased in Nazko for the purpose of building a renewal centre with grants offered through Canada Ministries for that purpose.
- We will seek status as a non-profit society for the NADO renewal ministry which will involve setting up a separate accounting and budgeting system.
- The annual revenues in mission gifts from congregations and friends will be maintained at the 2011 Budget levels for the next 5 years ($75,000).
- All additional annual funding will come from within the CPC. In 2011 this will amount to $60,000; in 2012, $65,000; in 2013-2015, $65,000. This growth will be covered by increased stewardship from existing participants in the mission as well as growth in the mission as outlined under 1-3 above.
- We will work hard and trust totally in the providence of God for Him to supply the needs of His mission in the Cariboo.
4. Administrative Objectives (The Session)
- The CPC Session consists of all its duly elected and ordained elders and pastor/missionaries.
- The CPC Session will provide for oversight and pastoral care in all missions and ministries undertaken under the name of the Cariboo Presbyterian Church. It will vet all mission work, provide for pastoral care and spiritual growth for all ministry participants, ensure stewardship of all mission resources, administer all capital purchases and provide for the maintenance of all property.
- The council for the Nazko renewal ministry will be accountable to the session. One member of the session will be a member of the council.
- Each member or participant in the ministry of the CPC has access to its Session by way of any elder or pastor/missionary.
- The CPC Session is directly under the oversight of the Presbytery of Kamloops of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, as are each of its pastor/missionaries.
- Over the next five year period, the Session is responsible to oversee all of the objectives outlined in 1through 4 above.